League Cricket
We affiliate with Surrey CCC and Middlesex CCC. Our junior boys league teams start at Under 8s through to Under 21s. We run 4 teams at all age groups from Under 8s to Under 11s then 3 teams per age group from Under 12s to Under 19s. Our girls start league cricket at U10s and we run teams at U10, 11, 12, 13, 15s for the girls.
Additionally, cricket does not stop here in winter. We enter our teams for the Middlesex Indoor League and train all year round. We run our unique Fulham Premier League so children can access competitive cricket.
We routinely put boys and girls forward for county trials from Under 9s and are proud to have supported over 50 children to progress to pathway cricket.
Registering for Matches
To register your child for matches please enter their name, Date of Birth and your email address below. We will then send you instructions for our fixture management system.